The Fruits of the Spirit as you’ve never seen before.
Let’s meet the Super Fruit!
The Fruits of the Spirit come alive in this 11-week lesson. Clearly, all fruits are planted and grow from seeds. Especially Super Fruit! We can plant Super Fruit seeds in our hearts. Each Super Fruit has a superpower and special ability. During this series, we will discover the power of each Super Fruit and share its power with others.
Ages: 3-K and Grades 1-5
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This single lesson includes:
Print Files
Lesson Guide
Teacher Notes
Activity Pack
Presentation Files
Scope and Sequence
Meet the Team - Introduction
Love Strawberry - Lesson 2
Joy Banana - Lesson 3
Peace Orange - Lesson 4
Patience Apple - Lesson 5
Kindness Kiwi - Lesson 6
Goodness Grape - Lesson 7
Gentleness Fig - Lesson 8
Faithfulness Watermelon - Lesson 9
Self-Control Blueberry - Lesson 10
Review - Lesson 11
BONUS LESSONS: Mother's Day and Father's Day

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