Teaching kids how to prefer others and showing them why it’s important.
POP is Preferring Other People!
We’ll teach kids how to “POP” with patience, kindness, prayer, and more!
To prefer means to think of, to choose, to like, to favor, or to select. When you prefer someone else you are giving them a piece of love by allowing their choice to be heard above your own. You are choosing the person over your own idea or activity. We can prefer others in so many ways. We can serve. We can pray. We can give. What’s really cool is that God is constantly preferring us!
This series will work great as a VBA and should have your class popp’n!
Bonus Lesson: Carnival Week
Ages: 3-K and Grades 1-5
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This single lesson includes:
Print Files
Lesson Guide
Teacher Notes
Activity Pack
Presentation Files
Sample Slides & Images
Bonus Screen Game Included!
Scope and Sequence
Lesson 1: Patience
Lesson 2: Kindness
Lesson 3: Giving
Lesson 4: Serving
Lesson 5: Praying
Lesson 6: God's Love
Lesson 7: Sharing Jesus
Lesson 8: Joy
Lesson 9: Carnival
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